The beauty of marble

Marble plaques in London

At Furnells, we have the skills to work with a variety of different materials. We engrave carefully to make sure every inscription and detail looks wonderful. As a result, we are the top engravers if you are designing marble plaques in London or any other products.

The world’s favourite natural stone

Many of the most incredible architectural marvels in the world are marble. Whether it is the Taj Mahal, the Tower of Pisa, the Royal Palace of Amsterdam, or Sheikh Zayed Mosque, they all celebrate the beautiful natural stone. Most designers chose it for the elegant look and timeless beauty. It is also crucial that the stone can last thousands of years.

Famous pieces of art use marble too. Most notable is the Statue of David, the masterpiece by Michelangelo. It, and other statues of the human form, are marble because the stone is a stunning representation of skin. It absorbs and refracts light, making the sculptures look like they are glowing softly.

Naturally marble became something that people wanted in their own homes. As a result, today it is a very popular choice for kitchens and bathrooms in particular. It can work with all kinds of colour schemes, even the most vibrant colours. Crucially, it can add a lot of value to properties.

Marble plaques in London

Many of the factors that make marble so popular for architecture, art, and interior design, also make it perfect for plaques and memorials. It ensures they are beautiful, long lasting, and memorable.

The crucial thing here is that you can engrave all kinds of details into the marble, including intricate designs. It makes it easier to design a truly special plaque or memorial. Furnells excels at engraving, ensuring every client gets a beautiful product with lovely details.

There are a couple of important things to keep in mind with marble though. Because it is softer than natural stones like slate, it is easier to work with. However, it means it does not have as high a resistance to harsh winters and heavy rain. If you look at the famous buildings we spoke about above, you’ll see that they tend to be in warmer, drier locations. It makes the stone last longer.

If you are thinking about marble plaques in London and want to work with the best engravers, speak to us. Furnells can help you design a beautiful product, whether it is a memorial, a company sign, an award, or something else.

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